Testimony of Bro. Solomon Owolabi - 1990 - Missionary in Nigeria, West Africa


cross of christ


This is the personal testimony of Bro. Solomon Owolabi - a citizen of the country of Nigeria in West Africa. It takes place almost 40 years ago. This story tells about what he experienced when he was first saved and came to Christ. Bro. Solomon lived in a small village. He was of "royal stock" in his tribe and was destined to become the Chief of his tribe one day. He gave all of this up when he made his comittment to Christ. This story tells of the threats and persecutions he experienced when he turned to Chirst as his Lord and Savior. It is a moving story and also gives revealing insight into what it means to be an African living in a small village with fixed customs and traditions - and what happens when a person "threatens" the established tribal village order - by a conversion to Chirst.

In his early twenties Bro. Solomon was given a scholarship to go to Temple University in Chattanooga, Tennessee to become a minister. He had on him just just $10. for taxie fare to take him from JFK Airport to LaGuardia Airport to make his flight connection to Chattanooga. At JFK his was robbed of his wallet and the means to get him to LaGuardia. He was in great stress. He spoke broken English. He knew nothing of American customers. And, having been raised in a tribal village of Africa - he knew nothing about what it meant to make "a connecting flight". It all seemed hopeless. He was stranded and didn't know what to do.

A gentleman noticed the distress in the young man and came over to speak with him. The gentleman saw that the young man had with him a bible. He asked him - "Are you saved?" Young Solomon Owolabi answered "Yes." The gentleman then inquired as to the young man's obvious distress. Young Bro. Solomon explained what happened - not knowing who this man was - or what he wanted. In Africa Owolabi had been taught that strangers meant danger. Never trust anyone who is not a member of the Tribe. And yet, the gentleman seemed sincere. Trust was established. And it turned out that the gentleman was travelling to the same place, Chattanooga, Tennessee, as Solomon. The gentleman offered to share his ride to LaGuardia with the young man and see him to his destination. Once in Chattanooga the gentleman drove Solomon to Temple University. That gentleman was Ben Haden, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Chattanooga and founder and speaker of Changed Lives, a world-wide ministry.

Bro. Owolabi's testimony then continues with his earliest experiences at Temple as he learned to adapt to the new customs in this new land of opportunity and freedom. Owolabi continued with his bibe studies at Temple for seven years.

Forty years later - Bro. Owolabi has a successful ministry in Nigeria. He has brought thousands of Africans to Christ. His ministry has started many churches and Christain churches in Nigeria. And a major part of his ministry is the training of new pastors.


Bro. Solomon in Africa"

Solomon & Christiana Owolabi, Blue Mountain Bible College, P.O. Box 1526 Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria, West Africa

E-mail: Sowolabi@skannet.com


Sending Church: Grace Baptist Church, 735 Lenin Road, Madisonville, KY, 42431; Bro. Lawrence Richardson, Pastor; lawrence@madisonville.com